31- Celebrating Birthdays in your 30s

Earlier this month I celebrated my 31st birthday.  This year’s post is going to be different than last year’s blog for my 30th birthday.  Instead, I am going to share some perspective on what I have learned about celebrating birthdays in your 30s.

Each birthday I strive to reflect and learn something from the previous year. This birthday I focused on what I have learned as I entered the 2nd year of my 30s.   One thing I did is really reflect on is what I was able to accomplish at 30.  Another thing I realized is that my interaction with people has changed on all fronts.  As I get older I have recognized what really is important.    Lastly, I am accepting that it is okay to not have it all figured out by now.  Life is all about learning what is best for you.  

Overall, I am grateful for 30 and looking forward to seeing what 31 holds.
Are you already in your 30s?  What have you learned or are looking forward to? Let us know in the comments below.

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